Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy Birthday, Little Blog!

I published my first blog post on June 12th of 2014, which means that a few days ago this blog turned 1! When I started, I really didn't know if I would stick with this for more than a few posts. But 30 posts and a year later, here we are, just truckin right along.

I started this blog for two reasons- 1) To keep our sweet friends and family up to date on what's going on in our lives and Cy's career, and 2) to be a resource for other girls in the baseball life. Before Cy got drafted, I had a lot of questions and concerns about what our life would look like as a married couple in minor league baseball. I came across a few blogs written by baseball wives that really helped me get a grasp on what to expect, and it was a huge relief. I decided that if even one girl saw my blog and was encouraged by it, that's all that mattered, and I took the leap. And now a year later, I have made connections with so many girls who have read what I've shared here! It is really an honor to enjoy friendships with other women in baseball, and to share experiences through this online space. The internet is pretty cool sometimes.

In the past year, I married my favorite person in the whole entire world, we have lived in 4 states and traveled over 17,000 miles (collectively), I have made some amazing friends, we survived our first season and a half of professional baseball, I've seen some of my best friends get engaged (next year will be FILLED with weddings!), my very best friend had a beautiful baby boy, and we've had many more adventures along the way. It's been a big year!

Here on the blog I've written about being engaged, married life in minor league baseball, putting together our first home, some products I have enjoyed, shared some struggles, and just talked about life in general. Close to 20,000 page views later, I am blown away by the fact that people are enjoying what I share. It means so much to me that someone takes time out of their day to interact with what I put out here in internet land. Thank you for giving me a place to share my (sometimes rambling) thoughts and interact!

Big shoutout to Aubrey , whose blog I have followed for close to 4 years, for being so genuine and showing the positives of doing this crazy thing, and to my fellow baseball wife Cayte for encouraging me to take the leap and helping me figure this thing out along the way! It has been so much more fun than I expected. If you're reading this and thinking about blogging, holler at me. It's been a great way for me to stay busy, process some of my thoughts, chronicle our adventure in baseball, and make some really great friends.

So to wrap it all up, thank you. I love writing and sharing part of our lives here. Thanks for following along, sharing comments, and being my friend along the way. Baseball is crazy, but having a place to share and interact with y'all has been a great point of stability. Hopefully the next year brings some more wonderful adventures that I can blog about along the way ;)

Xo, Hannah


  1. Happy blogiversary! I love your blog.

  2. You are rocking it, lady!!! I love following along and hope one day our teams cross paths! In the meantime, just gotta stay updates through the lovely life of blogging!
    PS - love the new layout :)
